At London Graphic Centre you will find a vast selection of affordable and professional painting supplies for artists, including Watercolour Paint, Acrylic Paint, Oil Paint and Accessories, such as Paint Brushes and palettes.
Browse through millions of paintings from classic artists such as Picasso and Monet along with 500,000+ independent artists from all over the world. We have acrylics, watercolors, and every medium in between. ..
Ten Ways to Improve Your Painting Skills
As you grow in your art, you may hit a plateau. You may need a kick-start for inspiration or wonder how to improve your art skills. The good news is that there are lots of ideas to push you to the next level. Refer to the following list whenever you need a little spark to get your inner fire going .
What to Look for in a Watercolor Brush By Birgit O’Connor
Watercolor brushes can be expensive but are well worth the investment. A few good brushes can last a lifetime (or close to it) if you take care of them. Many beginning artists try to get by with inexpensive brushes