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H E Sahlework Zewde

Prime Minister:    

H E Dr Abyi Ahmed


Deputy Prime Minister
H E  Temesgen Truneh


Speaker of the House ofPeople's Representatives:

H E Tagesse Chafo

Government of Ethiopia

  Ethiopia is a multi-party federal democracy with legislative authority resting with the government headed by an executive prime minister and the elected House of Representatives (547 members) and the House of Federation (110 members). The Prime Minister is chosen by the party in power following multi-party democratic national and federal state elections which are held every five years. Parties can be registered at either the national or the federal state level. The President is elected by the members of the House of People's Representatives

Ethiopian PM Abiy Ahmed names new cabinet   APRIL 20, 2018

    Ethiopia’s new Prime Minister, Abiy Ahmed, named his cabinet members on 19 April as well as heads of relevant federal government organizations. PM Ahmed, who presented 16 new cabinet members for approval to the Ethiopian House of People’s Representatives, also appointed nine officials as heads of various federal government offices.

    Following the endorsement of Ahmed’s new 16 cabinet members by the parliament’ lower house unanimously, the premiere has now 29 cabinet members, of which 16 have already been appointed.

    From the incoming 16 cabinet members, 10 have been appointed for various ministerial positions, while the remaining six were reshuffled from one ministerial position to another. Some 13 of the ministers in the 29-member cabinet have remained in their previous positions.

Dr Abiy Ahmed sworn in as Prime Minister of Ethiopia  APRIL 2, 2018

   The new Prime Minister also thanked the outgoing Premier Hailemariam Desalegn for his decision to step down from his post to become part of a solution for the political instability occurred in the country and to be a model for others.

   Dr Abiy took office today as Prime Minister following an oath-taking ceremony. The outgoing Prime Minister Hailemariam and other senior officials welcomed upon his arrival office.

Hailemariam wished success for the new Prime Minister and pledged to provide his unreserved support for him.

   Prime Minister Dr Abiy on his part expressed gratitude for Hailemariam for his contribution.

Former Premier given warm farewell APRIL 25, 2018

   Former Ethiopia’s Prime Minister Hailemaraim Desalegn was given a farewell yesterday by senior government officials and diplomats, including Prime Minister Dr Abiy Ahmed.

Prime Minister Dr Abiy presented the former Premier with the country’s Highest Medal and Highest Diploma of Honor at a farewell ceremony held at the National Palace.

   During the event, Prime Minister Abiy thanked the former Premier for his contribution to the country and described him as “an academic who has a special quality that could be a model for all of us.”

“Hailemariam taught us a lot. He taught us that power should be used to serve the public, not for personal use,” he said.

The Premier further thanked former First Lady Roman Tesfaye for her contribution to the success of the former Premier Hailemariam Desalegn.

  Hailemariam said the new Premier should be given time, support, and advice for the challenges that lie ahead, instead of criticizing him.

Ethiopia parliament elects female speaker, Muferiat Kamil  APRIL 20, 2018

    Ethiopia’s parliament, the House of Peoples’ Representatives, has chosen a former Minister of Women’s, as its new speaker. She replaces Abadula Gemeda who has been in the role since 2010.

    Muferiat Kamil belongs to the Southern Ethiopia Peoples Democratic Movement (SEPDM), one of the constituent bodies of the ruling Ethiopian Peoples Revolutionary Democratic Front (EPRDF).

    In 2008, Muferiat Kamil, the new speaker became Minister of Women’s Affairs at the age of 32, at the time, the youngest appointee of the late Meles Zenawi.

    She was born in Jimma, the largest city in south-western Ethiopia. She Graduated from Haramaya University with BSc. Degree in Agriculture in 2000.

    She held different women affairs roles and from 2002 till her appointment as Public Relations Advisor to the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ Region (SNNPR) President in 2007.

    She worked at the EPRDF office in Addis Ababa in April 2008, then as a junior public relations officer till her appointment as Minister of Women’s Affairs.

    Both the speaker and the deputy positions will be held by women, as Shitaye Menale was appointed as her Deputy.

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The new cabinet

 October 6, 2021 (FBC) – The House of Peoples Representatives has approved the nomination of Ministerial level cabinet members including reappointment of Demeke Mekonnen Hassen as Deputy Prime Minister and Foregin Minister.

 H E Taye Atske selassie 

Minister of foreign affairs

H.E  Engineer Habtamu Itefa Geleta

Water and Energy Minister

H.E  Gedewon Timotewos (PhD)

Justice Minister

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H.E  Engineer Habtamu Tegegn

Mines and Petroleum Minister

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H.E  Abhrham Belay (PhD)

Defense Minister

H.E  Professor Birhanu Nega

Education Minister

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 HE DR Mekdes Dabba 

Health Minister

H.E  Kejela Merdasa Tulu

Culture and Sports Minister

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H.E  Ahmed Shide

Finance Minister

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H E Dr. Alemu Sime Feyisa

Transport and Logistics Minister

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H.E  Belete Mola

Innovation and Technology Minister

H.E  Ergoge Tesfaye (PhD)

Women and Social Affairs Minister

H.E  Muferihat Kamil

Urban Development Minister

H.E  Gebremeskel Chala

Trade and Regional Integration Minister

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H.E  Ambassador Nasise Chali

Tourism Minister

H.E Fitsum Asefa (PhD)

Plan and Development Minister

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H.E Ato Girma Amentie

Minister of Agriculture

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H.E Melaku Alebel

Industry Minister

H.E  Lake Ayalew

Revenue Minister

H.E  Engineer Aisha Mohammed

Irrigation and Lowland Development Minister

H.E  Binalf Andualem

Peace Minister

H.E  Chaltu Sani Ibrahim

Urban and Infrastructure Minister

n appointmnt

Government organizations responsible to the Prime Minister:


Office of the Prime Minister

Government Communications Service

National Bank of Ethiopia

Ethiopian Capital Market Authority

Ethiopian Investment Commission

Palace Administration

Federal Police Commission

Information Network Security Agency

National Intelligence Security Service

Financial Security Service

Institute of Artificial Intelligence

Ethiopian Communications Authority

African Leadership Excellence Academy

Republican Guard

Ethiopian National Security Council

Ethiopian Civil Service Commission

Federal Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission

Disaster Risk Management Commission

National Reconciliation Commission

Administrative, Boundary and Identity Affairs

Institutions Responsible to National Bank of Ethiopia:


Public Servants Social Security Agency

Private Employees Social Security Agency

Institutions Responsible to Ministry of Work and Skills Development


Technical and Vocational Education & Training Institute,

Agricultural Technical & Vocational Education & Training Institute, and

Tourism Training Institute.

Institutions Responsible for Plan & Development Commission:


Ethiopian Statistics Service,

Policy Studies Institute and

Environmental Protection Authority.

Institutions Responsible to Ministry of Justice:


Civil Society Organizations Authority

Federal Prisons Administration Commission

Federal Justice & Legal Institute

Documents Registration and Authentication Service, and

Federal Tax Appeal.

The Prime Minister said the nomination puts into consideration gender, educational background, experience, efficiency, religious inclusion, and devotion of the nominees. The MPs approved the nomination of Demeke Mekonnen with two against and twelve abstainers. Accordingly,

Demeke Mekonnen Hassen – Deputy Prime Minister and foreign affairs minister

Abhrham Belay (PhD) – as Defense Minister

Ahmed Shide – as Finance Minister

Muferihat Kamil- as Urban Development Minister

Oumer Hussen Oba – as Minister of Agriculture

Engineer Aisha Mohammed – as Irrigation and Lowland Development Minister

Engineer Habtamu Itefa Geleta-as Water and Energy Minister

Professor Birhanu Nega- as Education Minister

Dagmawit Moges – as Transport and Logistics Minister

Gebremeskel Chala – as Trade and Regional Integration Minister

Melaku Alebel – as Industry Minister

Binalf Andualem – as Peace Minister

Gedewon Timotewos (PhD) – as Justice Minister

Dr. Lia Tadesse – as Health Minister

Belete Mola – as Innovation and Technology Minister

Ambassador Nasise Chali – as Tourism Minister

Lake Ayalew – as Revenue Minister

Chaltu Sani Ibrahim – as Urban and Infrastructure Minister

Engineer Takelle Uma Benti – as Mines and Petroleum Minister

Kejela Merdasa Tulu – as Culture and Sports Minister

Ergoge Tesfaye (PhD) – as Women and Social Affairs Minister

Fitsum Asefa (PhD) – as Plan and Development Minister

Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) has appointed executives for various high-level posts.

Those with the rank of minister are:

  1. Adem Farah, Head of Democratic Systems Building Coordinating Center,

  2. Tesfaye Beljige, Government Chief Whip,

  3. Engineer Sileshi Bekele (PhD), Advisor to the Prime Minister on Trans-boundary Rivers, and Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam Chief Negotiator, and

  4. Legesse Tulu, Head of Government Communications Service.

In addition:

-Teferi Fikre is appointed Head of Prime Minister Office and Cabinet Affairs Minister.

-Dr. Mihret Debebe, President of African Leadership Excellence Academy; and

-Fisseha Yitagesu, Chief Executive Officer of Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation.

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